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Why banking with us is brighter.
With you for the little things, the big things and everything in-between. We put our profits back into better products and services. Giving you better value and more choice.
Essential account
- No monthly account keeping fees
- Unlimited free eftpos and electronic transactions
- Visa Debit card available free of charge3 for customers aged 12+
- Free branch withdrawals1 and deposits
- Fully featured iBank, Hume Bank App, and phone banking
- Use your card with Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Wallet and Garmin Pay
Term deposit
4.50% p.a.***
12 months at maturity $1,000 and over
- Competitive interest rate
- Fixed interest payments
- $0 set up fee
- No monthly fees
- Wide range of terms available
- Government Guaranteed Deposit
Reward Saver account
5.00% p.a.**
with $10 deposits and no withdrawals in a month
- No monthly account keeping fees
- No minimum opening balance
- Two fee-free branch withdrawals per month
- eStatements available
- Eligible for linked account fee exemptions
- Fully featured iBank, Hume Bank App, and phone banking