Website terms of use
Website disclaimer
This website is operated by Hume Bank Limited (“Hume Bank”).
Your use of this website constitutes your agreement to the following Terms of Use. These Terms of Use may change at any time without notice.
We have taken all reasonable care in producing this website but we can’t guarantee it has all the information you need to answer all your questions. For information and assistance call us on 1300 004 863.
Warranties & limitation of liability
The content on this website is provided “as is”. Hume Bank disclaims any and all warranties, express and implied to the extent permitted by law. Use of the content on this website is at the user’s sole risk. Hume Bank will in no event be liable to any person or entity for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or other damages for any errors in the content on this website, or for the use of any content, including without limitation, damages for lost profits, business, data, or damage to any computer systems, even if you have advised Hume Bank of the possibility of such damages.
General advice warning
The contents of this website have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of this, before you acquire any of the financial products referred to on this website, you should consider their appropriateness having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should obtain the Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”) relating to the relevant financial product mentioned on this website (which contains full details of the terms and conditions of the relevant financial product) and consider it before making any decision about whether to acquire the financial product.
Links to other websites
This website contains links to websites maintained by third parties (“third party websites”). We do not make any representation as to the accuracy of information contained on third party websites and will not accept any responsibility for the accuracy, ownership or any other aspect of the information contained on third party websites.
Unless otherwise indicated, copyright in the material on this website is owned by Hume Bank. If you wish to reproduce any of the material on this website, please contact us and obtain our permission before doing so.
Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy sets out how we handle your personal information and keep it secure. The principles set out in our Privacy Policy apply to this website.
Information collected
Anytime you access an unsecured part of our website, that is, a public page that does not require you to log on, we will collect information about your visit, such as:
- The time and date of the visit
- Any information or documentation that you download
- Your browser type
- Internet protocol details of the device used to access the site
Our website also includes a number of calculators, which may require you to enter your personal details. If you save the data you enter on the calculator, this information will be stored.
A “cookie” is a small text file which is placed on your internet browser and which we may access each time you visit our website. When you visit the secured pages of our website (i.e. pages that you have to provide login details to access) we use cookies for security and personalisation purposes. When you visit the unsecured pages of our website (i.e. public pages that you can access without providing login details) we use cookies to obtain information about how our website is being used.
You may change the settings on your browser to reject cookies, however doing so might prevent you from accessing the secured pages of our website.
Security of information
This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Any access to and use of information is restricted to authorised staff and the site administrators. We attempt to provide a secure and reliable online environment, however you should be aware that there are inherent risks associated with the transmission of information via the internet. Alternative ways of obtaining or providing information are available if you wish to avoid any risk.
Date of publication: 6 April 2023