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Taking a stand against financial abuse

Hume Bank takes a stand to create a safer community.

Today Hume Bank CEO Stephen Capello announced that the bank is launching a major initiative to create a safer community acknowledging that we all have a role and responsibility to help end domestic and family violence.

“At Hume Bank we believe in making progress for all in our community, and to do this we will take a stand on big issues that our community cares about. One of these is family and domestic violence. We understand that we all need to work together to promote and foster safe, equal and respectful relationships and that we all must continue to do more.”

In announcing the bank’s participation in a new initiative to address financial abuse, Mr Capello said “we have joined 20 other businesses across Australia in promoting respect and protect against financial abuse. The respect and protect public awareness campaign launches today and draws attention to the hidden epidemic of financial abuse.”

“We are proud to support this important campaign and call on other business to also do the same.”

“One in six Australian women experience economic abuse from a partner and businesses may unintentionally help financial abusers because their products and services may be weaponised as a tactic of coercive control and manipulation.”

“Because we believe everyone deserves financial safety, we have updated our terms and conditions to explicitly ban against the misuse of our products and services for financial abuse and control.”

In another key announcement, Mr Capello said “To further support this important community issue, the bank is also announcing that it will establish a dedicated Safer Communities Fund to contribute funds directly to frontline family and domestic violence services across the region.”

“We are making an initial contribution of $50,000 and will continue to add to this total over the coming years. Funds will be distributed via grants directly to organisations in the region delivering these vital services.”

In addition to these customer and community focussed initiatives, Hume Bank has also continued to progress their domestic and family violence support policy providing access to immediate support for their employees. “We recognise that our employees sometimes face difficult situations in their personal life and our support policy, including leave and financial support, assists our team in their most vulnerable moments.” Mr Capello said.

The bank will continue to work on other projects that address this important community issue, with further announcements to come.

If you, or someone you know, needs support please contact the following organisations: